Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.
There's a major team-up in the works...
We're in the process of testing a new 'Sample Exchange' feature, which will allow Flow Mobile Surveying surveyors to send sample information to any Alpha Tracker lab at the click of a button.
The results will be returned by email, so you'll still need to key them into Flow for now, but it's a fair improvement on the overall process.
Please note:
We won't be making this feature available to all users by default
since it requires a fair bit of manual setup, and we're still working out the kinks. But if you're interested, drop us a message, and let's chat!Ps. This feature is primarily for the asbestos market for now. However, we plan to make it available to other industries that require sample analysis —for example, the HVAC industry— in the future.
Here's proof that we're teaming up with Alpha Tracker!

Are you sick of entering the same form configurations again and again?
Quick Fills speed up data entry on forms —they're great for situations when you find yourself entering the same data repeatedly.

Gosh, that "Hot Cup of Magma" has really burned my tongue!
Examples of Quick Fills:
Here are some real-life situations when Quick Fills come in handy:
- Adding Materials + Material Scores (asbestos surveys)
- Adding Categories + Hazards (fire risk assessments)
- Adding Risks + Working Procedures (risk assessments)
So, what's changed?
Until recently, you could only add Quick Fills using the mobile app, which limited their usefulness. Now, you can add Quick Fills on the Dashboard in the same way!
And all this time, you thought we'd forgotten about you, didn't you, office folk? No, you were always our favourite. 😉
So, all that speedy data entry that only those jammy mobile users could do on the app is now available to office users, too —nice!
Just click the
lightning bolt
any time you see it in the top right corner of a form. And voila, your form will be filled out in a flash.
Please note: Quick Fills are currently maintained by the Flow team and are specific to individual templates. So you'll only see Quick Fill options that have been added to your templates. Since it's only just been released, you may also need to refresh your browser to make this feature available.
Contact if you would like to add Quick Fills to any of your report templates.
Hi everyone, we're currently planning work on our Client Portal v2. If you're interested in this feature and would like to get involved in the planning discussions, please contact, ideally before February 2025.
Getting involved means you can:
- Influence development to get what you need.
- Get early access to the new Client Portal when it's ready.
- Provide feedback on the feature roadmap.
- get insights into our long-term goals.
The Client Portal v2 feature has long been our most requested feature, so we're excited to see where this goes.
All the best,
Paul, and the Flow Mobile Surveying clan
⌚ Get ready for multi-day and time-based scheduling!
Until now, you've only been able to assign jobs to a single date. However, the reality is often more complex. Jobs might take weeks or months to complete or start at a specific time. This exciting update allows you to accommodate these real-life situations.
These highly requested scheduling improvements are
(whoa, could we have any more scheduling going on here?) for deployment in the week commencing Monday, November 11th.IMPORTANT: You must ensure all mobile app users upgrade to v1.0.90 (this version is currently available in the Google Play and Apple iOS Store)
This release brings the following improvements:
- Specify times when creating jobs.
- Create jobs spanning multiple days.
- Create jobs with multiple "events".
- Include start and end times.
Mobile App (v1.90.0+):
- Multi-day jobs are shown on each individual day.
- View start and end times for jobs.
- Jobs are sorted in time order.
Drop us a message if you have any questions about these new scheduling features 😊
Paul and the Flow Mobile Surveying Team
You probably already know that
job notes
are an excellent way to send private information to your surveying team. Many of you use notes to store client
phone numbers
, email addresses
, and other relevant job details. But until now, there was a drawback...they weren't selectable 😢 So, a fat lot of good they were then, huh?
😀 But note lovers, rejoice!
In the new mobile app release (v.1.0.85), now available on the Google Play and App Stores, you can copy all job notes —we've added a button to make this easy!

And if you don't want to copy the entire note, we've got you covered there too.
…now it’s
Extreme close uuuuuuup!

Advanced Scheduling - We're Looking for Testers!
v1.0.85 also contains some hidden changes for advanced scheduling.
Advanced scheduling is currently in the testing phase and needs to be "switched on" for each client. So you won't notice any immediate changes on the mobile app. With advanced scheduling turned on, you'll be able to connect Flow to your third-party calendar, such as Gmail and Outlook.
But before we roll this feature out to our biggest customers, we'd need some help. We're looking for a few smaller customers to test the new feature. If you're struggling with scheduling and want to help us out (and gain some serious brownie points), please drop a message to
Many thanks!

We've teamed up with one of the world's leading mould specialists, Nicole Bijlsma, to create a one-of-a-kind mould inspection template for Flow Mobile Surveying.
You can learn more below...
Mould: An Industry with Limited Guidance:
🦠 Mould Inspection is an industry with little guidance.
In Nicole's words:
"It's a bit of a dog's breakfast out there."
The lack of guidance means that inspectors are often left to themselves to try and figure out the best approach, and many believe that simply fogging a building will fix all of the homeowner's problems. So, there are lots of cowboys in the industry...
However, Nicole believes that remediating mould in buildings needs a multi-pronged approach, incorporating data from tools like thermal imaging cameras and moisture meters and obtaining a detailed history of the building and its furnishings.
This template, created with the help of Nicole, offers a standardised approach to inspecting water-damaged buildings so you can present your clients with enough data to justify taking action and fixing the issues.
Learn More About This Template:
Watch a full walkthrough of this template below:
Learn about the approach and insights behind this template:
👷 Do You Offer Mould Inspections to Your Clients?
Get in touch for a demo to see how you can create mould inspection reports in minutes. Contact for further details.
Please Note: This template has been designed for the Australian market. But if you want to use it outside of Australia, let us know, and we may be able to adapt it to other parts of the world.
Two major dashboard updates in a week; what's going on?
The dashboard job search has remained unchanged since the early days of Flow, so an overhaul was long overdue; now, that day has come!
The old search boasted excellent features like typo tolerance and chained search queries. But you couldn't use it to find jobs for specific dates. And we recently introduced Tags to help you categorise jobs —but what use is a tag unless you can search for it?
So thank you, Old Search, you've served us well these last couple of years 🙏 But the New Improved Search will take it from here.
Here's a preview of the new search in action:

Since this new search is live, you can try it yourself :)
Search examples:
🔍 To get the most out of the new search, you'll want to start tagging your jobs with some helpful information. Check out my guides to managing tags and these tag suggestions —they're just suggestions, though; you should use whatever tags are right for your business.
Here are some searches that are now possible:
Search > Urgent jobs:
[requires tag: 'urgent']

Search > Jobs for a Branch or Office:
[requires tags: 'branch:{name}' or similar]

Search > Jobs for a Job Type:
[requires tags: 'commercial', 'residential', or similar]

Search > Jobs for a specific Date:

Search > Jobs for a specific Month:

Search > Jobs overdue a Re-inspection:
[requires a 'reinspect 12 months' tag or similar]

I hope the new search features make your day-to-day life easier. Especially those administrators struggling with scheduling right now. If you have any feedback on this new feature please get in touch.
Paul and the Flow team

Several of our larger clients have been struggling with scheduling recently.
As they've grown, they've experienced some painful challenges with managing and assigning jobs to staff. To solve this problem, we're working on Advanced Scheduling —that's coming next— but in the meantime, we've released a new feature, a bandaid of sorts, the ability to
Tag Jobs
. So, why should you tag jobs?
Tagging jobs improves scheduling by making it easier to prioritise jobs. And besides scheduling, there are many other benefits to tagging jobs, too:
✔️ Makes jobs easier to find.
✔️ Communicate important job information to our team.
✔️ Categorise your jobs in sensible ways.
How to start using tags
- Start by creating some tags —the tags you create will depend on your internal processes, but I've created some tag suggestions here to help you get started.
- Assign the tags to jobs.
PS. We're also adding the ability to filter by tags in the jobs list soon. So tags will become even more powerful; stay tuned!
I hope you enjoy this feature; if you have any feedback, let us know 😊
Happy tagging,

We've released a
Flow Mobile Dashboard. It has a tonne
of updates which we'll discuss in later updates.Don't worry about
big changes
it's largely the same; Imagine coming home to find it's been cleaned, had a fresh coat of paint and all the little jobs have been done. Dripping tap? Fixed. Wobbly chair? Replaced.Now we're reviewing and updating our knowledge base articles with new screenshots and updated instructions. We'll be reaching out to a few customers to see if they've used the new Dashboard, and what feedback they have. Feeling eager to discuss? Give us a call!
If you want a rundown of the changes, I made a fun thing.
Yes, I'm a massive nerd. No, I'm not sorry.
David King
🧯 Hold onto your fire extinguishers, everyone!
We've expanded Flow's template library with a new template — Fire Risk Assessments.

After several attempts to create a flexible and usable Fire Risk Assessments template, we're happy to say that we've created something that hopefully ticks all the right boxes.
This new template is aimed at UK-based surveyors who carry out Fire Risk Assessments and follows the original UK's PAS 79 standard. And the best thing, the template is flexible so we can configure it to use whatever standard you use or your own best practices.
PS. For anyone reading this post thinking, hey, I already have a Fire Risk Assessment template, what's this all about? You're one of the few users we gave access to an early version. This is a newer, improved version. So get in touch if you want us to upgrade you.
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